How long do dental implants last?

Tooth replacement is a big deal, and dental implants are the better choice for it. Once you have decided to go with the dental implants and secured the budget for it (check how much are dental implants here - (how much are dental implants), you might be wondering how long do dental implants last. There are factors that determine how long dental implants last and things you can do to make them last longer - like having good oral hygiene. Let us take you through what you need to know.

How long do dental implants last?

Before we answer the question “how long do tooth implants last”, it is important to know that dental implants are made of 3 main components: the implant itself, the abutment, and the crown (you can read all about it on this link - what are dental implants) Briefly, the implant is a titanium post that is attached to your jawbone. The abutment is then attached to the implant and is meant to keep the crown in place. The crown is the last part of the procedure - a ceramic tooth that is placed and secured on the abutment and looks like a natural tooth. The abutment and the crown are more prone to damage than the actual implant. As to how long does a tooth implant last, each component has a different lifespan. The implants can last forever. As for the crown, it lasts 10 to 15 years on average until it needs to be replaced.

Can dental implants last forever?

Do dental implants last forever? If we’re talking about the dental implant itself, yes it can absolutely last forever. The life of a dental implant can be long-lasting and replacing teeth with implants (replacing teeth with dental implants) is well worth the cost (dental implants cost). There are some factors that can affect how long implants last, of course, but there are ways to keep them in good condition and have good oral hygiene that brings back your smiling confidence.

How often should dental implants be checked?

Dentists advise patients to get their dental implants checked every 6 months. During those visits, your dentist will be able to assess their condition and advise you on any oral hygiene practices you could add to make them last longer. Replacing teeth with implants requires commitment from the patient’s side as well (read more about it here - replacing teeth with dental implants).

5 factors that affect how long does a dental implant last

Dental implants are certainly long-lasting. But there are factors that can contribute to them lasting longer. Here is a list:

Factor 1 - Your oral hygiene

Caring for your dental implants is crucial to their lasting quality. Following good oral hygiene in which you brush and floss twice a day is important. So are your regular dentist visits.

Factor 2 - Your lifestyle and habits

Just as in any area of your life, your lifestyle plays a huge role in your oral health. Smoking regularly and drinking alcohol excessively may cause your dental implants to fail.

Factor 3 - Teeth grinding and chewing on hard food

We understand that some people cannot help teeth grinding. But what you can control is the food you eat and the way you gently chew on your implants. How long implants last also depends on how you maintain them. Dental implants located at the back of the mouth endure more pressure from chewing, making them more sensitive.

Factor 4 - The dentist’s expertise

Your dentist should be experienced in dental implants to know how to properly place and fuse them. Sometimes, insufficient bone could be an issue and your dentist should be able to know that beforehand.

Factor 5 - Medical conditions or treatments

There are some medical conditions that might influence dental implants and lead them to fail. They are:

1. Diabetes
2. Osteoporosis
3. A weak immune system
4. Cardiovascular disorders

Therefore, some medications and treatments associated with the above can have an impact on the success of dental implants.

What is the failure rate for dental implants?

In our article discussing dental implants and what they are (what are dental implants), we mention that the success rate of dental implants is up to 98%. Depending on other factors and conditions, this gives room for 2 to 3% of dental implant failure. Dental implants are still one of the safest and most successful dental surgeries out there today.

Can dental implants be removed?

While it is rare for dental implants to be removed, it is still possible. In the instance of infection, inflammation, or due to the fact that the implant has not adjusted to the jawbone, it will be removed by your dentist. Contrary to what you might think, this is a pain-free procedure done under local anesthesia.

Key takeaways

Dental implants are expensive (dental implants cost), but they are worth it (read all about them on this link - what are dental implants). However, when it comes to how long dental implants last, they come out as worth the financial trouble. The procedure is clear and straight to the point. Once you are done, you are set with a long-lasting and natural-looking tooth replacement.

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