Is root canal treatment painful?

Are you one of those who believe that a root canal treatment is one of the most painful dental treatments?

Then you will be delighted to learn the truth here!

A root canal is an endodontic dental procedure that helps to eradicate infected root pulp from the root canal to prevent further infection and restore the original tooth. You may need to opt for a root canal treatment when oral germs infect the tooth's pulp.

There are several reasons that you might need to undergo a root canal treatment, and a couple of the primary reasons are:

• Not getting a cavity filled for a long time

• A tooth is fractured or damaged by trauma or accident.

No matter what the reason is, most of the time, it's tricky to understand the symptoms that indicate a need for root canal treatment. So here are a few signs that may indicate that you need a root canal treatment:

• Persistent toothache deep within your tooth.

• Pain in teeth radiating towards the jaw and entire face

• Tooth sensitivity to heat and cold

• Swollen and tender gums and jaws

• Discolored tooth

• Pain while chewing food

• Chipped or cracked teeth

• Loose teeth

If you are experiencing all or some of these symptoms, then it's high time that you must consult with an experienced dentist who will be able to resolve your condition. Want to know if root canal therapy is a painful process?

How painful is a root canal procedure?

If your dentist recommends a root canal to restore a damaged tooth, you shouldn't freak out because you are not alone!

The East Carolina University School of Dental Medicine reports that approximately 41,000 root canals are performed daily in the United States. This indicates that almost 15 million root canal procedures are performed annually.

Furthermore, if you have selected a reputable and trusted family dentistry like Trident, you will find the treatment straightforward and pain-free.

We perform a root canal treatment to eradicate infected or inflamed pulp tissue, which, if left untreated, may lead to excruciating toothaches. Most importantly, by undergoing this endodontic treatment, you will be able to get rid of that constant discomfort and pain.

The endodontic procedure begins by administering a local anesthetic to the treatment area to ensure that you do not experience any significant pain or discomfort. Your dentist may also prescribe you other medications that will help you relax, such as nitrous oxide, oral sedatives, and sometimes even intravenous (IV) sedation.

In the next step, the dentist will drill a tiny hole to reach the affected pulp inside the tooth. With the help of some small instruments, the dentist carefully removes the nerves, blood vessels, and infected tissues from the tooth. After removing the infected pulp, the pulp chamber and root canals are cleaned, disinfected, and sealed.

Most patients often report a sense of relief rather than discomfort after this endodontic therapy. Therefore, a root canal treatment is not at all a painful procedure.

We have interviewed a few of our patients who had recently undergone a root canal treatment from our dental clinic to know their experience regarding the level of pain involved in the procedure. The good news is they have reported feeling comfortable throughout the entire treatment. Even though they felt slight pressure and subtle movements, no pain was involved.

Do you still want to know if the recovery period involves any pain, specifically when the effect of anesthesia wears off? Here's all you must know!

Is there any pain involved after a Root canal?

We promise you won't feel pain during and immediately after the root canal surgery. As the local anesthetic effect wears off (generally within a few hours), you might experience minor discomfort like sensitivity and tenderness in the treatment area. Usually, the pain should subside in a few hours. In most cases, dentists will prescribe some OTC medications for pain and some antibiotics to ensure you undergo a pain-free recovery period.

During your recovery phase, it is incredibly essential that you strictly adhere to the post-op instructions provided by your dentist. To speed up your recovery process, you must avoid hard food that requires chewing with the treated tooth until the discomfort disappears. The best part is that root Canal Treatment is the least invasive procedure, so you can immediately continue your work, school, and other routine activities within a few days.

In most cases, most of the discomfort disappears within a few days of the root canal procedure. However, if any pain or discomfort persists, please feel free to contact our dental clinic so our dentist can assess your oral condition.

Key takeaways

Want to undergo a Root canal procedure but can't find a reliable dentist in Sunnyvale, despite trying to Google "oral surgeon near me?" or "endodontics near me?"

Don't worry! Trident Smiles Dental is one of the leading dental clinics in Sunnyvale, CA. Our proficient dentists are dedicated to providing the best possible treatment to individuals. Before undergoing any dental procedure, our dentists will walk you through a step-by-step process to explain how a root canal can restore your natural teeth.

There's absolutely no reason to fear root canal. Do not hesitate to contact us if you have any queries, doubts, or confusion regarding this dental procedure. Our professionals are ready to answer all your questions and devise a personalized treatment plan (based on your oral condition) to accomplish the best-desired result.

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